
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Winter is coming nearer and nearer and I find myself hunting for my winter clothes from last year to see if anything it still wearable as my style tends to change a lot within one year. I always try and sort my closet out before an upcoming season but it's really necessary for winter. I love wearing jumpers during winter and I like to buy a lot of jumpers every year. Since buying winter clothes can get pretty expensive (and it kind of is my hobby) I decided to make a little list to see what I still need for the upcoming seasons.

The Basics
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I hate buying basics. I always forget to buy them on a shopping trip and I don't want to spend my money on basics. Only when they're on sale. Am I really the only one who hates buying basics? While rumbling through my closet I saw some stripey tee's, jumpers a few white and black tees and maybe one grey tee. I think that will do for this winter. No basics needed for this season! YUS

The Jumpers
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Okay let's hop right back to the basics because something definitely is missing in my jumper collection... I miss a black jumper. Jumpers are, like I said before, something I live in and even though I have a lot of jumpers already, I still have to buy at least one every year. So a black jumper is welcome, and I really want a cool printed jumper!

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I am not really a jeans person, but I do wear jeans from time to time, especially during winter. I'd say that I'm pretty much sorted when it comes to jeans. Maybe I should add a pair of black jeans to the collection, but I don't need any more jeans. I normally don't really wear trousers but I'd love to have a pair of cigarette trousers to add to the collection. I recently bought two pairs of leather look leggings, that I have been wearing non stop so I guess I don't really anything else any more.

The Beanies
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You might know this already. I have an unhealthy obsession with beanies. I get excited during September because that means I can wear them again and I get sad during April, when they usually have to go again. I wear them all the time around the house since we're not allowed to wear them at school and I love wearing them when I head into town. I love how I always end up buying my beanies from eBay. I once found this really great seller which has amazing colours. I bought a navy blue beanie on ComeGetFashion last week and may have bought two black beanies half an hour before that on eBay so I don't think I need any more beanies.

Overall I don't think I need much, maybe just a black jumper and cigarette trousers, if they fit my body type, and I might have to go on a cheeky little trip to Primark to buy some more jumpers, because hey, you can never go wrong with too many jumpers! 

Do you have anything missing in you winter closet? If so, what is it? (I'm so nosey)


  1. i love all your basic tshirts! and the jeans!! and the beanies!!! OMG I LOVE EVERYTHING

  2. I'm so jealous of your jumper collection! That is definitely on the top of my shopping list! That and a pair of black skinny jeans.

    Lovely post as always x

  3. This is such a great idea for a post, and a good thing to do for the sanity of my own mind! I would also love a pair of black skinny jeans, and who can resist more jumpers?! This year I've really got into wearing turtle-neck tops, and I think stripes are always a classic all year round. I love buying basics really!!

  4. Great choice of essentials:-)

  5. Love this! I really need to get myself some beanies!

  6. Great post! Jumpers are my favourite but I'm with you on not liking the basics so much, I prefer to buy essentials that are a bit more jazzy!

    - Bridie
    Oh So Bridie | Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle

  7. i really need a good pair of boots. i haven't found some but i need to go on a hunt because it gets soooo cold in germany. its not even cute.

  8. I am the same when I buy 'basics' because I never buy them as I always think it's so exspensive for just a plain top or jumper, although I always forget that I will wear it almost everyday so it should be worth it! However I've set myself a rule this year that I shan't buy anything that I wouldn't or couldn't wear everyday with anything. Extremely subjective since I currently have a thing for printed jeans..!
    I love the look of your jumpers from H&M, it's such a good shop for basics. I'm also on the hunt for a pair of blue jeans as I have a massive hole in the knee of my current ones and cigarette trousers/jeans are so classic! :)

    I now realise I should go shopping for stuff I need, but at least I have a gorgeous pair of shoes that I wear to death! (So much so that they've lost the grip on the sole and I keep slipping everywhere - uh oh!
    ~Hannah xx

  9. love your h&m jumpers! i'm not usually a trouser person either but recently i've been opting for them a lot more! x

  10. Leuke post! Ik geef zelf ook echt niet graag geld uit aan basics, terwijl je ze eigenlijk wel echt nodig hebt! Leuke collectie sweaters heb je ook, die 'gespikkelde' vind ik supermooi :)

    Liefs, Liese
    Cats & Dresses

  11. Leuk om te zien!, aah k moet echt een nepleren broek halen die heb k nog nodig haha! Leuke beanies heb je!

  12. Ik moet ook echt nog wat goede basics aanschaffen voor de winter. Beanies en jumpers zijn ook super belangrijk en lekker warm. :) Toffe post.

  13. Ik haat het ook om basisstukken te kopen om exact dezelfde reden haha :D wel leuke items allemaal! Een zwarte trui kan ik ook nog wel gebruiken :)

  14. I'm currently on the look out for a nice hip length coat, a couple of comfy jumpers and a pair of jeans/trousers.
    I HATE jeans though, I don't find them comfortable and I can never find the perfect size. I basically live in super thick leggings (the £7.99 ones from H&M are incredible) and disco pants/matte disco pants.
    I do also need a few basic long sleeved tops, to mainly wear underneath loose knit jumpers so my arms don't get cold

    Peach Pow XO

  15. I hate buying basics too, it always seems like I'm waisting my money.
    I definitely need to had a few beanies to my wardrobe! Great post x

  16. omg Laura if I ever visit The Netherlands (and I am definitely planing to!) we have to go shopping! Your style is absolutely amazing :) I love how clean and unique it is at the same time :)

  17. You should consider getting a cashmere jumper, it's a staple!
    I think my wardrobe is pretty full, I wouldn't say no to a few extra things but ah, I am so vain haha.


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