
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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This five favourites post is long overdue. I had been planning on posting this a week back, but I got a lot on my mind lately, planning things before I leave for my holiday. So better late than never, here are five of the things I have been loving during June.

Aesop Parsley seed mask
This mask has to be my favourite mask of all time. It just keeps saving my face whenever I suffer from horrible breakouts. This parsley seed mask clears up my skin within a week and I can't live without it anymore. I have been having quite a horrible breakout lately, and this kind of controlled it, but I'm also currently undergoing LED Therapy sessions to hopefully clear up my skin again and to get rid of my acne scars. 

Chanel les Beiges powder
I tend to grab this Chanel les Beiges powder whenever it's summer. It's quite like tan, so I can't really get away with putting it on my face during the winter months, but when I have a little bit of a tan going on, this powder because my go-to contour product to give me that nice, cheekbone that is non-existant on my face.

Quay Australia My Girl sunnies
These sunnies are my new go-to sunnies. These Quay Australia sunnies were such a big hit last year, and I remember being lucky getting my hands on these. I kind of forgot that I had these Quay Australia sunnies lying around so when I came across these, I instantly started planning outfits with these sunnies. I love the cat eye that these sunnies have!

Weekday black v-neck blouse (similar)
Okay, so this is another one of those purchases that I absolutely loved last year, and completely forgot about. Last month I decided to sort my wardrobe out and I stumbled across this lovely v-neck blouse. It's perfect for when I just don't know what to wear, but do want to look semi-put together.

Adidas Stan Smith trainers
I wear these Adidas Stan Smith to death, and I am pretty sure that I wear them daily. However this past month, I started appreciating them a lot more again. I go through phases of being sick of wearing these Adidas and then I go to phases where I think that these look perfect with anything I wear. They're just such a perfect and versatile trainer to wear under dresses, shorts and jeans. Mine definitely need a little wash though.

Those were my five favourites of June and I'm already taking notes on what I have been loving during July, since we're halfway through July. 

What have you been loving over the past few months?


  1. Reacties
    1. It's lovely! You definitely should try it out if you have the chance! :) xx

  2. I literally live for my Stan Smiths oh my gosh! They're the only shoes I wore pretty much for the whole second year of college, so comfy and so stylish! I didn't know they did these blue ones, I'm going to have to revisit the website now...

    Isabelle | ♡

    1. Yesss same!! These particular Stans are from the boys section as they're so much cheaper than the black ones ;) xx


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