
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

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After I did my university Q&A last week, I also thought it would be a good idea to post something about how I stay organized, being a blogger, a full-time uni student and working besides both. It can get quite overwhelming doing this much, so if you're like me and like to do lots of stuff, then here are a few of my tips on staying organized when it comes to combining uni work, deadlines and a blog and work.

Keep a diary with you at all times
I feel like the key to all of this is planning. Writing things down, calms down my chaotic head. So I plan and write down everything. I still have a paper diary, but also use the Apple calendar when I want to quickly want to put stuff in when I'm still at uni, and get all the assignments etc. I usually end up writing things down twice, but I feel like that's the only way that I will kind of remember some sort of system. I always write down all of my meetings from work, so I can't forget those, as well as homework. Blog wise, I like to write down the particular blog post I want to post on a certain day. 

Make daily to do lists
If I don't make to do lists on a daily basis, when I have lots to do, I get quite panicky. Like I said before, writing things down calms my chaotic head. So I usually end up writing lists on a day to day basis, so I can tick off those boxes, as well as feeling organized. 

 Another thing that I have learned along the way is how important it is to prioritize things in life. Whenever I just feel like it all gets too much, I end up prioritizing my life again. When it comes to uni, my blog and my work. University stuff always comes first. That's something my parents always told me. No matter what happens I always put my uni work first. So whenever I haven't posted a blog post for about 4-5 days, it's usually when I had a reality check and had to reprioritize. 

Making a list of the things that you find most important, definitely helps you feel a little more organized. 

Take time for you
The most important thing to do is to take time for you. Sometimes things get a bit much, and whenever you start to feel like you can't get out or feel panicky, it's time to take time for you. I usually like to take time for myself by reading magazines and just staying clear of the internet. Whenever I know that it's time that I start taking time for myself, I usually end up feeling so sleepy, and end up sleeping most of the day. 
Funnily enough, I am actually going through a time where I feel like I should take some time for myself, as I've had quite a hectic first week. I have been sleeping most of this weekend, just feeling completely exhausted. So I kind of took a step back from everything and took some time to chill.

Combining multiple things, like jobs, school or kids, can be so difficult while keeping/writing a blog or maybe even to having a YouTube channel. But these are some of the things that help me feel a little bit more in control of everything that I get up to. 

What are some of the things you do to stay organized? 


  1. Great tips :). I'm a college student too and sometimes my schedule can be super overwhelming.

    1. Yay, I'm glad you liked it! It can be super overwhelming! Take time for you! xx


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