
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Productivity is one of those things I am really not that good at. I easily go from being very productive to very unproductive and rather lazy. Lately my uni work has been crazy and this has forced me to be rather productive and focused on uni. This is great of course, but I also have work and a blog to create content for. While focussing on uni, I kind of lost track of being productive, especially when it comes to work and my blog. The past couple of weeks have been crazy productive, but also very stressful. That got me thinking this weekend. I want to start my day productive, so I can switch off at night. I especially struggle to be productive when starting my day, which I believe has something to do with me not really being a morning person. In this blog post I am going to share a few things in my life that I will be changing the upcoming month, so I can start my productive day.

Wake up early and go to bed early

I think that people can only truly be productive when they have had enough sleep. Enough sleep is important for so many reasons, such as your health. But I also think it definitely helps you be more productive in the morning. If you’re rested when you wake up, you’re definitely going to be able to get out of bed and start your day, right? That’s why I think going to bed early as well as waking up early is such a good first thing to change in your life when you want to improve your productivity in the morning.

Get straight out of bed

Because I don’t get enough sleep and am not a morning person, I am prone to snoozing my alarm as long as possible. This is such a bad habit of mine that literally kills my productivity too. I go and make a list of things I want to do when I wake up, but end up not doing them because I am snoozing my way through my alarm. Snoozing is the worst nightmare if you want to be productive in the morning. It can be quite hard to break the habit of snoozing though. I have learnt that if I charge my phone across the room I am actually waking up and getting out of bed to turn my alarm of. Getting out of bed is the hardest part of the day, once you have done that you’re good to start your productive day.

Make a list

If there’s one thing that motivates me to be as productive as I can be, it’s by ticking of boxes of things to do on a list. Making a to-do or task list is such an easy and effective way to be more productive. I always make myself a list of things I have to do either the night before or in the morning. This makes me clear my head, so I can focus on actually being productive and getting things done in the morning. And to be able to tick something off your list is just so satisfying, isn’t it? I use the app Wunderlist or write my own to do list in a notebook.

Eat breakfast

I am the worst at eating breakfast. I usually tend to skip it because I either don’t have enough time or because I am so stressed that I jump straight from my bed behind my desk to work on stuff. This eventually leads to me having major hunger issues during noon, which usually ends up killing my productivity for the afternoon. I find that if I actually have breakfast in the morning, I am far less distracted by people and stuff around me and I can actually focus on what I need to do. That’s why I am not going be skipping breakfast anymore after this week.

Get out of the house

Working from home can be so great, but it can also be the biggest distraction. I find that if I work outside of home, I am far more productive in the morning than when I work at home. This all has to do with the fact that I will find a chore to do at home that I would much rather do than write an essay for example. If I remove myself from this situation I can’t get distracted by anything chores I could do around the house. That’s why I usually spend most of my time at the public library slaving away. If I am feeling extra fancy, I would just sit at a restaurant for a couple of hours in the morning to get stuff done.

What I'm wearing:
H&M trenchcoat (similar)
H&M tee
ASOS mom jeans
Vans Old Skool trainers
Pull & Bear bag


  1. I love this outfit! And I'm so with you on the 'get straight out of bed', I do that every morning if not I don't think i'd make it out!

    Rosie |

    1. Thank you Rosie! Haha me too, I would stay in bed all day! It's so bad xx


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