
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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I love myself some good food, so I had to share this recipe with you I found when I scrolled past this on Pinterest. I didn't have all the ingredients of that particular recipe, so I altered this recipe to my taste/liking. These shrimp or prawn rice paper spring rolls are really easy to make and super yummy, especially during the spring/summer season! I only used four ingredients so it's summer quick to make!

Serves around 6-10 mini rice paper spring rolls depending on what size of rice spring rolls you have. 
The Ingredients 
 Rice paper
Cooked shrimps (cut in half)
about 150 grams of julienned carrot
5-6 hands of spinach
Chili sauce

The first thing I did was cook my shrimps. I bought tiger shrimps but you could use any kind of shrimp you like. The cooking time of the shrimps depends on what shrimp you buy. If you don't have much experience with cooking shrimp I'd recommend googling it before starting so that the shrimp doesn't get rubbery, which is disgusting, trust me, that's a mistake my 15-year-old self made and I instantly regretted it!

Once your shrimps have been cooked, you're supposed to let them cool down for a bit. This was my five minute dance party to some kind of High School Musical song brings back all the childhood memories back. But you could clean some of the mess you made in the kitchen so you don't have to leave it until the very last minute, what I usually don't do because I am to busy singing and dancing to some sort of song. Anyway, when your shrimps have cooled down you need to cut them in half.

Then I usually put all of the ingredients in separate bowls, so I know what I should put on all the spring rolls. When I've done that I get on to the most difficult task of this recipe: making the spring rolls. I suggest that you read the packet of your rice paper spring rolls very well as it's very important to have damp spring rolls so you can roll the spring roll very easily.

Once you have dampened the rice paper, put it on a cutting board or any other flat surface where you would like to prepare your food on. Then put all of the ingredients on the spring roll, but make sure that you don't put too many ingredients on one rice paper spring roll, as it doesn't make it any easier to roll the spring roll. So once you've put all of your ingredients, in this case the spinach, carrot and shrimp, on your rice paper spring roll, you can roll it however you like.

The rice paper I used is particularly small, so I couldn't fold a proper spring roll of it, so instead I decided to fold into a sort of wrap. What I did was I folded the bottom part of the rice paper in, hold that with one hand and then grab the right side of the rice paper and roll that to the left side, so you get this wrap like rice paper spring roll.

Repeat this until you're out of shrimps or rice paper, serve it with some chili sauce. I used sweetened chili sauce, but I also eat this with Sriracha sauce, as that is my absolute favourite to serve this with. This recipe is great for when you're hosting a party, as these are easy and quick to make once you get the hang of folding the rice paper. Plate it up and put some chili sauce in a cute little bowl and you are ready to eat!


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