
Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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We are well into June now and it’s officially summer on Friday! I can't believe it's going to be summer so soon. Although the weather is not really appearing to be summer-esque with the colder days and the extreme rain, I still wanted to dedicate a blog post to my favourite season of the year. In today’s post I thought I would share some of the things that contribute to summer being my favourite season of the year. These are basically all things that bring me that super happy feeling and make me feel free during summer.

Fresh fruit

This sounds super cliché, but one of my favourite things on a warm summer day is fresh fruit. This is something I have grown up with at home. Whenever the weather was super nice, my mum would always bring out the fresh fruits for me to eat while growing up. I mostly loved to eat strawberries and cherries, as I feel like they are both so sweet and juicy to eat. I also love to eat grapes or oranges as I do feel like those too remind me of my childhood, especially when it’s summertime.

The smell of sunscreen

I am one of those people that absolutely loves the scent of sunscreen. Again, it reminds me of my childhood and brings back so many lovely memories from back in the day where I went away on a summer holiday with my parents, brother, aunt, uncle and cousins. Those holidays obviously included my cousins, brother and I to spend a lot of time standing in a line waiting for us all to be head-to-toe covered in sunscreen. Since I was the youngest and the only girl between the four of us while we were in Spain I was obviously getting teased by them a bit. At the time it seemed like they were trying to ruin my life, but looking back at it now I can only really laugh at it and remember how great of a time we had. The smell of sunscreen brings back all of these memories of the summers we spent in Spain running around the garden after playing in the pool with them, which makes me feel so nostalgic. It’s actually one of the main reasons I bought the Jil Sander Sun fragrance last year, as it smells like actual sunscreen!

Hearing a sing that brings back previous summer memories

One of my favourite things in life is music. I am tone-deaf AF, can’t sing in tune or play any sort of instrument, but I love listening to music and so do the rest of my family. It’s so special that some songs are an actual time machine back to a particular day in your past. Two Door Cinema Club with What You Know always brings back memories of a road trip my brother, his ex and I made when he first got his proper car. Shut up and Dance With Me by Walk the Moon brings back memories of when a trip to Marbella in 2015 when my cousin Emma joined us and Like A Prayer by Madonna brings back memories of the next summer when both my cousins Maxime and Emma joined us in Marbella. I remember them singing it at the top of their lungs while we were in the car back home after dinner, which was just hilarious. So it’s so fun hearing a song like that on the radio or in a playlist as it instantly brings back those memories.

Creating a killer summer playlist

Like I said above, I am a major lover of music and whenever we approach the end of May, I start to get those summer feels. It’s that time of year that I start creating a playlist for that summer. That particular playlist would then usually be the soundtrack of that summer. Last year for instance I felt like I wanted to listen to a lot of throwback songs, so I added lots of nostalgic, 90’s TLC, Usher songs to my 2018 playlist. I love to add songs to a new summer playlist that also bring back memories from previous summers, as it’s just brings so much joy.

Catching up with friends over iced coffee

Previous summers we have had gorgeous 25-30 degree summer weather. Whenever my friends and I don’t really feel like going to the beach on those days, we love to go into town and hang out anyway. One of my favourite things to do when the weather is that nice and warm, is to drink an iced coffee with my friends, while catching up, having intense chats or if we’re done talking to just people watch or watch the world go by. It’s one of the things I always look forward to whenever we get warmer weather, especially now that I don’t see my friends as often anymore as we are all super busy with uni or work.

Those are just a few things that bring me so much joy and happiness during the summer. 
What are activities or memories that bring you joy during the summer?

What I'm wearing
H&M linen tee, ASOS white boyfriend jeans


  1. What a great idea for a blogpost, loved reading this Laura! Fresh fruit and the iced coffee catch ups with friends would definitely be on my list too 😍🙌


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